Monday, August 4, 2008

God Keeps that which He Loves.

I have found a new author that I absolutely love. His name is A.W. Tozer and the book that I have been reading lately is entitled The Attributes of God, Volume 1: A Jouney into the Father's Heart (Camp Hill, PA: WingSpread, 2003). He writes, "A fellow recently brought me a painting that he’d been working on quite a while, and showed it to me to see if I liked it. It’s inconceivable that he didn’t like his own picture. I liked it too, but it was because he liked it that he showed it to me. We like that which we make. And God loves that which He made. And because He made it, He loves it, and because He loves it, He keeps it."[1]

In error, I sometimes impose upon God human characteristics. Sometimes I think that God acts like me (Thank heavens he doesn't!) or even has the same reactions and emotions as me. But this is not the case! My emotions are broken. My reactions are broken, too. God's love is perfect. It is impossible for me to understand it--it's too mind-boggling! Even the love I have for my wife and children does not even come close to the love that God has for us. Why does he love us so much? Because He made us and we are His creation.

So, here is what I am trying to share with you. First, know that God loves us more than our minds can understand it. Just when you think you can grasp it, it is so much bigger. Second, remember that God loves you and He will hold and keep those He loves.

Blessings -


[1] A. W. Tozer and David E. Fessenden, The Attributes of God, Volume 1: A Jouney into the Father's Heart (Camp Hill, PA: WingSpread, 2003), 27.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, John! You can't be Alliance long without stumbling across Tozer. He's one of our homies.
